24.5 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024


Jamaica is now in the throes of a “crisis”, with its total fertility rate falling below replacement-population level, a matter that has grave implications for the country’s economy, experts in the policy, medical, and academic fields are warning....... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-19
Source: Jamaica Observer
Researchers have found that having a chuckle is just as effective as eye drops as a treatment for dry eye disease. Experts in the UK and China assessed the effectiveness of laughter exercise in 283 people diagnosed with the disease – which causes red and itchy eyes – and found... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-19
Source: Jamaica Observer
Scientists say that placing your hands on a wooden surface can have the same calming effect as petting an animal. Professor Baroness Kathy Willis, a boffin at the University of Oxford, said: "If you stroke wood it is a bit like stroking a dog. "It can lower your blood pressure,... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-19
Source: Jamaica Observer
Water is recommended to help those cope with the effects of a heavy night but research has found that it actually makes little difference to the impact of boozing too much. Scientists at Utrecht University in the Netherlands studied partying students and recorded hangover symptoms in those who drank water... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-19
Source: Jamaica Observer
The activity of neurons in the human brain is known to become synchronised when people interact with each other, especially in the frontal lobe of the brain, highlighting that they are paying attention to each other. Researchers say that mutual gazing between humans and their furry friends may lead to... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-19
Source: Jamaica Observer
TEAMS COMPETING in this season’s ISSA Schoolgirl Netball competition will be seeking early psychological advantages as the urban and rural rallies take place today at two venues, starting at 9:00 am. The Leila Robinson Courts will host competition for both under-16 and under-19 urban teams while Manchester High School will... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-19
Source: Jamaica Observer