On this last day of January and in honour of my late Dad, Cuthbert Whitfield Connell, who would have been 98 years old today, I am announcing the availability of the Caribbean Daily Eye website as a source for aggregated top news content from across the Caribbean region and elsewhere.
The CDEye has been fueled by an inspiration to deliver, share and enlighten others on news content that affects the Caribbean region and Caribbean people wherever they reside.
On this achievement, I would like to thank all who have encouraged and supported me along the journey. I particularly want to thank my late dad for planting the seed in me at an early age to see the Caribbean region as a collective whole, just as we see Africa, Asia, Europe and others as a collective whole, even though the islands / countries making up each, are themselves independent jurisdictions. But my biggest thanks must go to the site’s developer, Von Barker, you truly understood what I wanted to achieve, and you professionally and masterly delivered it, giving me much great advice and support. You said you would deliver it, and you sure did.
I encourage you to visit and explore the website, www.https://caribbeandailyeye.com, and you can even submit your own opinion or subscribe to the site.
You can also visit the CDEye’s Facebook page, X page and Instagram page, or you can reach us on WhatsApp: +44 (0)7418610880 or by email: thecdeye@caribbeandailyeye.com.
I hope you enjoy your visit to the site, and  see it as a useful source for Caribbean-related content. Bookmark it, add it to your favourites and share it with your contacts.
Anderson Connell
Owner and Publisher of Caribbean Daily Eye
31 Jan 2025